Document 370 How to change the typeset margin settingsVersion: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word
Margins for typesetting are generally set in the document class specifications
file (.cls file). The .cls file usually contains different margin defaults for
each paper size, so changing the paper size default automatically changes the
margin defaults. The LaTeX article class defines margins of about
Regardless of the paper size, you can modify the margin settings for most but not all shells by adding the geometry package. This technique may not work with Style Editor documents. You can use the default margins for the geometry package, or you can specify the margins you want by adding a command to the preamble of your document:
Save a copy of your document before you attempt to modify it. Don't attempt extensive modification of the typesetting specifications unless you're very familiar with TeX and LaTeX. This technique may not work with Style Editor documents. Last revised 02/15/06 This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace. |