Document 473 The LaTeX cite packageVersion: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word The cite package sorts numerical citations in ascending order and compresses lists of at least three consecutive numerical citations that occur together in the text. The sorted and compressed citations appear inline by default but can be superscripted. The package produces inline citations that are preceded by a space, enclosed in brackets, and separated by a comma and a small space. For superscripted citations, the package omits surrounding brackets, ignores spaces that occur before a citation, moves most trailing punctuation in front of the superscript, and suppresses doubled punctuation.
For example, when you typeset using
the cite package, a
citation of bibliography items 7, 5, 1, and 4 appears like this [1, 4, 5, 7]
or like
this How to order and compress citations created with SWP and SW citations
When you typeset your document, LaTeX orders and compresses the list. In addition to the command to create superscripted citations, many commands are available through the Options and Packages command on the Typeset menu to vary the spacing within a list of citations and in the text immediately surrounding it. Commands are also available to disable sorting and compression. How to omit the brackets surrounding inline citationsBy adding a command to the preamble, you can omit the brackets surrounding inline citations.
The cite package is compatible with these packages, which are also installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/cite directory: drftcite and chapterbib. The cite package now includes the features previously contained in another related package, overcite, which has been superseded. Last revised 06/29/06 This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace. |