Document 575

The LaTeX apacite package

Version: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The apacite package formats citations according to the complex requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA). The package works with the bibliography style file apacite.bst to produce citations in a variety of APA formats. It improves on the capabilities of the apalike, apalike-plus, and newapa packages. In particular, the package provides "no parentheses" citation commands. Except in rare cases, the package will format every reference correctly

Note that incorrect typesetting can occur when the apacite package is added to documents that have no chapter headings (such as articles) and that are saved as SW/SWP/SN (*.tex) documents. The problem doesn't occur with documents saved as Portable LaTeX (*.tex). To avoid the problem:

  1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  2. On a new line following the \input{tcilatex} line, enter


  3. Choose OK.

Commands are available to handle various types of citations. See the package documentation for more information. The apacite package is installed in TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/bibtex.

Last revised 11/21/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.