Document 642

The LaTeX fancyvrb package

Version: 5.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The fancyvrb package provides customizable environments and commands for typesetting and manipulating verbatim text. You can change the font family and size, number lines of text, and create frames around code examples with optional arguments to the main package environment, Verbatim. All package commands and the text to be presented in the Verbatim environment must appear in unencapsulated TeX fields, each on a separate line in the body of your document. The package works line by line to create effects such as this:

Example of fancyvrb package

See the package documentation for more information about available commands and variations on the environment. The package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/fancyvrb directory.

Last revised 03/13/06