Document 687

Information about miscellaneous LaTeX packages

Version: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In addition to the more frequently used packages installed with the program, these LaTeX packages are included with SWP and SW. Many are installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib directory or one of its subdirectories.


This file is used by the abstyles BibTeX styles. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/bibtex subdirectory. Find more information about BibTeX in

  • btxdoc—BibTeXing.

  • btxhak—Designing BibTeX Styles.

Find more information about BibTeX Bibliography Styles.


The package generates separate bibliographies for different units (parts) of the text (currently only one of chapters, sections, or bibunit-environments). Installed in the latex209/contrib/misc subdirectory. For more information, use an ASCII editor to open TCITeX/TeX/latex209/contrib/misc/BIBUNITS.STY and find the brief documentation at the beginning of the file.


The package is required for the biometrics document class and when using the BibTeX style biometrics. Installed in the LaTeX/SWmisc/biometrics subdirectory.


The package is required when using the BibTeX style cea. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/misc subdirectory.


The package creates an artificial dotless j (\j and \jmath) for use with font sets without that character. It requires the LaTeX color package. It does not require any explicit PostScript support. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/carlisle subdirectory.


The program automatically inserts the eurosym package in your document when the Euro symbol (€) is selected from the Miscellaneous Symbols panel. The package defaults to the official Euro symbol, but variations are available. Installed in the LaTeX/eurosym directory.


The everysel package provides some hooks into the NFSS font select commands. This package is required by the ragged2e package. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/ms subdirectory.


The package is used with the named BibTeX style. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/bibtex subdirectory.


Computer filenames, host names, and email addresses tend to be long strings that cause line breaking problems for TeX. The path package defines a macro, \path\...\, similar to LaTeX's \verb\...\ macro, that sets the text in the typewriter font, allowing hyphen-less line breaks at punctuation characters. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/misc subdirectory. For more information, open TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/misc/path.sty.


The package extends the existing LaTeX picture environment, using the familiar technique (see the graphics and color packages) of driver files. The package documentation has examples of use, showing where things are improved by comparison with the LaTeX picture environment. A driver is not available for the TrueTeX Previewer, so the package is only useful when creating PDF with the program. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/pict2e subdirectory.


The package typesets plain TeX markup in LaTeX documents. Within \begin{plain} ... \end{plain} most plain TeX constructs work, including commands such as \over, which might have been disabled by other LaTeX packages such as amsmath. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/carlisle subdirectory. For more information, use an ASCII editor to open these files:

  • TCITeX/doc/latex/contrib/carlisle/00README.TXT.

  • TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/carlisle/PLAIN.STY


The package reimplements picture mode to use dvips specials, thus removing restrictions on available slopes, etc. Previously distributed in other/misc. Should be re-implemented to accept graphics package style driver options. This package is unlikely to work with the TrueTeX previewer. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/carlisle subdirectory.


The rawfonts LaTeX2e package provides an emulation of LaTeX 2.09 documents that use low-level commands such as \tenrm. Installed in the LaTeX/required/tools subdirectory as part of the Standard LaTeX Tools Bundle.


The package modifies the normal LaTeX citation behavior to sort citation numbers into ascending order and adjust citation spacing for Science magazine.


The package is a sample "programmer's toolkit" package, for use by package writers. Installed in the LaTeX/required/tools subdirectory.


To assist in troubleshooting problems, the trace package defines commands that turn tracing on and off and write the tracing information to a file. Installed in the LaTeX/required/tools subdirectory. For more information, use an ASCII editor to open the file TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/required/tools/trace.dtx.


The package typesets HTML directly from LaTeX. You can process the file html.ins to produce the typehtml.sty package file. Process the file typehtml.dtx to produce examples, documentation, and code listings. Currently this package can handle almost all of HTML2, and most of the math fragment of the draft HTML3. Installed in the LaTeX/contrib/carlisle subdirectory.


The package is required when using the BibTeX style ws-book-har. Installed in the LaTeX/SWmisc/wspc/Books subdirectory.


The package is required when using the BibTeX style ws-book-van. Installed in the LaTeX/SWmisc/wspc/Books subdirectory.

Last revised 12/21/06