Document 705
Input and output filters
Version: 3.5x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, &
Scientific Notebook
The program uses filters to convert to and from various
document formats.
Available input filters:
non-SWP/SW LaTeXVersion 5.5
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Wrapped files (.rap or .msg)opened as LaTeX files
T3toTeXSWP and SW only
Certain TI, HP, and Casio files (*.txt)
Available output filters:
SWP, SW, and
SNB (*.tex)The LaTeX filter uses tcilatex.tex, a
collection of macros, to create the constructs in your document.
Portable LaTeXThe Portable LaTeX filter writes internal constructs using
macros found only in standard LaTeX packages. It doesn't include
RTFWith or without MathType.
HTML (Internet Explorer 5.5 and IE 6)
XHTML (Firefox/IE6 with MathPlayer2)(.xht)
Wrapped filesYou can wrap documents in two formats:
.rapfor version 3.0 and higher of SWP and
SW. When you wrap documents as .rap files, the program
uses the Portable LaTeX filter.
.msgfor version 2.5 of SWP and SW
and for SNB. When you wrap documents as .msg
files, the program uses the LaTeX filter.
When you unwrap a document, the program opens the files as LaTeX files.
Last revised 06/14/06