Document 709


Version: 5.5 - Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, & Scientific Notebook

When you export an SWP, SW, or SNB document as an HTML or XHTML file, you have the option of exporting any mathematics as Mathematical Markup Language, or MathML, the HTML counterpart for mathematical content. (Ordinarily, the filter converts any instances of mathematics or mathematics plots to graphics files.)

However, current browser support for MathML is limited. The program supports MathML for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher and for Netscape 7/Firefox.

  • At this time, Internet Explorer doesn't have support for MathML and requires a plug-in. When creating HTML files for Internet Explorer, we script MathML for MathPlayer.

  • Netscape 7/Firefox has direct support for MathML; no plug-in is required.

In the Export Settings dialog box, use the HTML Document Export Options tab sheet to set the default for exporting mathematics as MathML.

NoteAt this time we recommend exporting to XTHML when you use MathML. The format works for both Firefox and Internet Explorer with MathPlayer.

Added 01/18/06