Document 721

Using floating licenses with Microsoft Firewall

Version: 4.x & 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, & Scientific Notebook

Difficulties with FLEXlm floating licenses can occur when Windows Firewall is present on the license server. System administrators should follow these steps to enable floating licenses with Microsoft Firewall:

  1. Stop FLEXlm:

    1. In the c:\Licensing directory or the directory where FLEXlm is installed on the license server, start the program lmtools.

    2. In the Start/Stop/Reread tab, click Stop Server.

  2. From the Windows Control Panel, start the Windows Firewall applet.

  3. Select the General tab and make sure On (recommended) is selected and the check box Don't allow exceptions is off.

  4. Select the Exceptions tab and choose Add Program.

  5. Choose Browse and navigate to c:\Licensing or the directory where FLEXlm is installed.

  6. Select lmgrd.exe, choose Open, and then choose OK to add lmgrd.exe to the list of Programs and Services.

  7. With the Exceptions tab of the Microsoft Firewall applet still active, again choose Add Program.

  8. Choose Browse and navigate to c:\Licensing or the directory where FLEXlm is installed.

  9. Select mackichn.exe, choose Open, and then choose OK to add mackichn.exe to the list of Programs and Services.

  10. Choose OK to close Microsoft Firewall.

  11. Start FLEXlm:

    1. In the c:\Licensing directory or the directory where FLEXlm is installed, start the program lmtools.

    2. In the Start/Stop/Reread tab, click Start Server.

Clients should now be able to check out a license.

Added 05/16/06