Document 142

How to reinstall fonts for V. 2.5 on a Windows 95 system

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

If Windows can't find the TrueType fonts needed to preview and print your document, you need to remove and then reinstall them.

  1. Remove the fonts.

    1. From the Windows 95 Task Bar, choose Start.

    2. Select the Settings option.

    3. Select the Control panel.

    4. Select the Fonts icon.

    5. From the Fonts list, select the fonts listed below these instructions. You can select each one separately or you can use the ctrl or shift buttons to select multiple fonts.

    6. For each selection, choose Remove.

    7. Leave the Delete Font File from Disk box unchecked.

    8. Choose Yes.

  2. Reinstall the fonts.

    1. From the File menu, choose Install New Fonts to display a new window.

    2. In the bottom left corner of the window, choose Folders.

    3. Choose the directory called swp25/tex/fonts/truetype.

      The system displays a list of fonts.

    4. Choose the Select All button on the right side of the display.

    5. Choose OK.

    6. Choose Close.

      All fonts have now been reinstalled in Windows 95.

  3. Check the reinstallation.

    1. Scroll the list of fonts to see if the Small Fonts (VGA res) have been installed.

    2. Remove any Small Fonts that have been installed.

Fonts to be reinstalled:

cmb10.ttf cmmi5.ttf cmss12.ttf cmti10.ttf dcssbx10 eusb5.ttf
cmbsy10.ttf cmmi6.ttf cmss17.ttf cmti12.ttf dcssi10 eusb7.ttf
cmbx10.ttf cmmi7.ttf cmss8.ttf cmti7.ttf dctcsc10 eusm10.ttf
cmbx12.ttf cmmi8.ttf cmss9.ttf cmti8.ttf dcti10 eusm5.ttf
cmbx5.ttf cmmi9.ttf cmssbx10.ttf cmti9.ttf dctt10 eusm7.ttf
cmbx6.ttf cmmib10.ttf cmssdc10.ttf cmti10.ttf dcu10 lasy10.ttf
cmbx7.ttf cmr10.ttf cmssi10.ttf cmti12.ttf euex10.ttf lasy5.ttf
cmbx8.ttf cmr12.ttf cmssi12.ttf cmtt8.ttf eufb10.ttf lasy6.ttf
cmbx9.ttf cmr17.ttf cmtt9.ttf eufb5.ttf lasy7.ttf
cmbxsl10.ttf cmr5.ttf cmssi8.ttf cmu10.ttf eufb7.ttf lasy8.ttf
cmbxti10.ttf cmr6.ttf cmssi9.ttf dcb10 eufm10.ttf lasy9.ttf
cmcsc10.ttf cmr7.ttf cmssq8.ttf dcbx10 eufm5.ttf lasyb10.ttf
cmdunh10.ttf cmr8.ttf cmssqi18.ttf dcbxsl10 eufm7.ttf lcircle1.ttf
cmex10.ttf cmr9.ttf cmsy10.ttf dcbxti10 eurb10.ttf lcirclew.ttf
cmff10.ttf cmsl10.ttf cmsy5.ttf dccsc10 eurb5.ttf line10.ttf
cmfi10.ttf cmsl12.ttf cmsy6.ttf dcitt10 eurb7.ttf linew10.ttf
cmfib8.ttf cmsl8.ttf cmsy7.ttf dcr10 eurm10.ttf logo10.ttf
cmitt10.ttf cmsl9.ttf cmsy8.ttf dcsl10 eurm5.ttf msam10.ttf
cmmi10.ttf cmsltt10.ttf cmsy9.ttf dcsltt10 eurm7.ttf msbm10.ttf
cmmi12.ttf cmss10.ttf cmtcsc10.ttf dcss10 eusb10.ttf techmath.ttf

See also

Added 07/31/96; revised 11/01/02

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.