Document 245

Updates for DECUS screen style and shell

Version: 3.0 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Problem solved by these updates

The tag for the Part division is missing in documents created with the style for DECUS Proceedings journal articles.


Download and install the updates for the DECUS Proceedings style and the corresponding document shell.

  1. Download the update for the style called DECUS Proceedings and replace the file called decus.cst in the Styles\deproc directory:

    1. Download the decus.cst update file from our ftp site.

    2. Save the file as Styles\deproc\decus.cst in your SWP or SW program directory (usually c:\swp30 or c:\sw30).

  2. Download the update for the DECUS Proceedings shell and replace the file called Shells\Journal Articles\DECUS Proceedings.shl in your program directory:

    Note Because the ftp site doesn't allow the same flexibility in naming files as does Windows95/NT, we have had to remove spaces from the file name on the site. To use the update file correctly, you must reinsert spaces into the name of the file you download so that it matches the name of the file it will replace.

    1. Download the DECUSProceedings.shl update file from our ftp site.

    2. Reinsert spaces into the name of the downloaded file so that its name reads:

      Shells\Journal Articles\DECUS Proceedings.shl

    3. Save the file in your SWP or SW program directory.

Revised 05/02/02

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.