Document 291
Update for build 1079
Version: 3.0 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word
Problems solved by this update
This update solves problems in build 1069 of SWP and SW 3.0. One problem is
related to equation alignment and four problems are related to the Portable
LaTeX filter. Some of these problems have been addressed elsewhere on this
site and on our Technical
Support Forum.
All multi-line equations are right-justified. In
specific circumstances, Version 3.0 right-justifies all the multiline
equations in large documents if those equations occur inside another
environment such as a list or theorem statement. The problem occurs only
following a spelling check or a find and replace operation and then only if
you don't scroll through the entire document following the operation so that
each equation is displayed on the screen.
Abstracts containing multiple paragraphs aren't handled correctly when you
save the document as a portable LaTeX file. Specifically, when an abstract has
two paragraphs, the filter deletes the first paragraph and converts the second
into two separate abstracts.
The portable LaTeX filter inserts an extraneous space following the character
Printing problem with subdocuments saved as Portable
Latex files. The portable LaTeX filter inserts an erroneous % character
when subdocuments are saved with the filter.
The Portable LaTeX output filter changes the length of the hanging indent in
the bibliography to the width of the two numerals 99. Therefore, documents
containing a LaTeX sequence such as \begin{thebibliography}{BraJo97b} (which allows the amount of space of
the longest label) are changed to the LaTeX sequence \begin{thebibliography}{99}.
Follow these instructions to download the update for build 1079:
Make certain you have build 1069 installed: from the
Help menu, choose
About, and check the Build Number in the dialog
If you have SWP, download the
update file.
If you have SW, download the
update file.
Save the file in your SWP or SW program directory (usually c:\swp30 or
Start the patch update program. The program will ask you for the Scientific
WorkPlace or Scientific Word 3.0 directory name.
Choose OK.
Follow the screen prompts as they appear.
After the patch has been installed, back up the update file that you
downloaded in case you need to reinstall it later. After you've backed up the
file, you can remove it from your hard disk.
Installing this update rewrites the registry. Any
autosubstitution strings you have created will be lost, as will any other
customizations you have made, such as toolbar placement. If you want to
maintain the customization settings, you can save the registry and reload it
after the update. However, we don't encourage it. Follow the instructions
below before you run the new build for the first time.
From the Windows Start menu, choose
Enter regedit and choose OK.
In the Registry Editor, select HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TCI Software Research\(drive)//SWP30/SWP-PRO.ini.
From the Registry menu, choose Export.
Enter a name for the file and choose OK.
Install the update for Build 1079.
After the update has been installed, open the Explorer and double-click the
name of the exported registry file. Your custom settings will be restored.
Manually change the Build number in the registry:
From the Windows Start menu, choose
Enter regedit and choose OK.
In the Registry Editor, select HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TCI Software Research\(drive)//SWP30/SWP-PRO.ini/installation
Double-click LastBuildValidated, or select
LastBuildValidated and, from the
Edit menu, choose
Change the build number from Version 3.00 Build 1066 to Version 3.00 Build
Choose OK.
Revised 06/12/02
This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.