Document 444

How to change the space between figures and captions

Version: 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

LaTeX defines the space above and below the captions of floating objects (both graphics and tables) with the macros \abovecaptionskip and \belowcaptionskip. Many typesetting specifications use these macros, including sebase.cls, which defines each value as 10 pt.

Although the Style Editor doesn't provide a method for changing these values, you can alter the space between floating objects and their captions. You can add an external macro that is associated with the typesetting specifications for your document. Alternatively, you can change the spacing for all floating objects in a document by modifying the document preamble, or you can change the spacing for an individual floating object by placing TeX commands before and after the object.

Follow these instructions to change caption spacing for all floating objects in a document (Version 4.x and later):

  1. Open your document.

  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  3. Click the mouse in the entry area and then start a new line.

  4. Enter these lines:



  5. Choose OK.

You may need to experiment with the values in the commands to achieve the spacing you want.

Follow these instructions to change caption spacing for an individual floating object:

  1. Place the insertion point at the end of the line before the floating object and press Enter.

  2. Enter a TeX field.

  3. In the entry area, type



    and choose OK.

    Again, you may need to experiment with the values in the commands to achieve the spacing you want.

  4. To restore the default values, place the insertion point on the line after the floating object and press Enter.

  5. Enter a TeX field.

  6. In the entry area, type



  7. Choose OK.

Last revised 04/24/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.