Document 545

How to determine which LaTeX packages are in use

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

When you open a document with a particular shell, the program automatically adds to the document any packages that are specified for the shell. You can easily determine which packages are in use for your document:

  1. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Options and Packages button Options and Packages button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages.

  2. Choose the Package Options tab.

    The Packages in Use box lists the packages currently in use.

  3. Choose OK.

When you typeset your document, the program may call additional packages. For example, it adds the amsmath package by default to nearly every SWP and SW document. Also, many packages in turn call other packages when you typeset the document and LaTeX or pdfLaTeX runs. The list you see in the Packages in Use box includes only those packages that are directly called by the document.

Last revised 03/26/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.