Document 573

The LaTeX hyperref package

Version: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

From LaTeX cross-referencing commands, including the table of contents, bibliographies, and page-references, the hyperref package creates \special commands that a driver can turn into hypertext links. The package also provides commands with which you can write ad hoc hypertext links, including links to external documents and URLs.

The package extends the hypertext possibilities of .tex documents, so that typesetting the document with pdfLaTeX produces a table of contents linked to the body of the document, automatically creating bookmarks and linked headings. The package also creates thumbnails.

Note that the TrueTeX Previewer provided with SWP and SW doesn't support the package, but PDF viewers do, so you can use hyperref to maintain active LaTeX cross-references in PDF files that you typeset from your document. When you add the hyperref package to your document, move it to the bottom of the Packages in Use list.

The package has macros and options available; see the extensive package documentation for information about the commands. The hyperref package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/hyperref directory.

Last revised 02/13/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.